We offer architectural services in all project phases from design and sketching to regulation, building application and construction administration.

We create modern, Nordic and site-specific architecture.
Our vision is to ensure that all projects address three main factors; smart creativity, quality, predictability and durability.
We create cities, landscapes and buildings as a result of a complex process where the architect is an inspiring force and a participant in a larger team for the implementation of the idea.
Business idea
Through professional collaboration with clients, users and contractors early in construction projects, predictability increases.
By increasing predictability, costs can be reduced and better quality and architecture can be achieved.
Make & partnere develope creative, economical and sustainable solutions that combine the client’s wishes for groundbreaking and smart architectural ideas.
Make & partnere specialize; housing, office and recreation.
We offer architectural services in all project phases from feasibility studies to zoning, building application and implementation.
Our drawing tools combines effective principles for sketching and the digital 3D BIM program Archicad directly linked to the film program Vimeo.
Make & partnere use the principles of targeted project management as a management tool. This is integrated into the company’s quality assurance system. Each project is defined early through a project definition. The most important goals / milestones are prepared in collaboration with the client and the project group to establish common goals.
Central approval
- Applicant (for all types of measures) level 3
- Design of Architecture level 3
- Design of outdoor areas and landscaping level 2
Sentral godkjenning av foretaket
- Søker (for alle typer tiltak) i tiltaksklasse 3
- Prosjektering av Arkitektur i tiltaksklasse 3
- Prosjektering av Utearealer og landskapsutforming i tiltaksklasse 2
Cities and houses are places to meet – and create energy!