
Kai Robert Gundersen
Founding partner siv. Ark. MNAL
Is the founding partner and manager since 2001, with a Bachelor of Architecture from Iowa State University, USA, where he also played professional tennis for the University team. He also studied at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, AHO, and later worked with cultural heritage preservation in The Royal Norwegian Army under the guidance of Riksantikvaren, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage.
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Hans Bernhard Biserød
Founding partner siv. Ark. MNAL
Is the founding partner and associate manager since 2001 with a degree in architecture from NTNU – the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – where he also was a teacher. He also has leader and project experience from the Royal Norwegian Navy.
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Silvan Haberthür
Partner and senior architect ETH SIAHe earned his degree in architecture at ETH in Zürich and worked several years as an architect in Switzerland before moving to Norway.
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Hugo Sergio Fernandes
Partner and senior architect MNALHas his degree from UTL – Faculdade de Arquitectura in Lisbon and the Institute of Architecture at AHO, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. He has many years of experience from working in Norway.
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Anna Debrowska
ArchitectShe earned her degree in architecture at College of architecture Wroclaw and has a wide range of experience both in Polen and Norway
Rafal Dembinski
Architect and 3D visual artistRafal has a degree from Pol.Sl. i Gliwice in Poland. He worked several years in Poland before moving to Norway.
Joe Huang
ArchitectJoe has his degree from University of Copenhagen. He worked as an architect in both Denmark and Norway for several years before joining MAKE.
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Claudia Santos
Master in architecture, University of Evora Portugal.
Eramsus echange Uiniversity- Politecnia Valencia Spain